If you're setting up Bria and find yourself unable to log in, you might see this error:
This can happen for two reasons: your network won't let the request reach the login servers (something to check with your Network Administrator), or your computer doesn't have the correct root certificates.
To test if it's the latter, please try the following steps and see if the issue resolves:
Exit out of Bria from the system tray, by right clicking on the Bria Icon and choosing "Exit".
Then, please right click on the start menu, and click on "Run".
In the new window that appears, type in "iexplore https://login.bria-x.com/status" and click "OK".
A Microsoft Edge window will open and the web page should say "All seems well". You can now close this window and re-open Bria. The error should then be gone.
If you still get the error, try the exact same steps but this time with https://secure.counterpath.com as the URL. In rare cases this is necessary.
Exit Bria:
In Safari, enter https://login.bria-x.com/status and you should see a page like this:
Try starting Bria.
If you still get the error, try the exact same steps but this time with https://secure.counterpath.com as the URL. In rare cases this is necessary.