Why do I need to store my SIP account data online?

Provisioning the data is what allows the same Bria account to be used on multiple devices. Since the configuration is centralized, each individual app can download and apply that configuration to then register to your SIP server, as opposed to needing to configure the SIP account over and over for each device you use. Our provisioning server never attempts to connect to your SIP server; it only stores the account information for the Bria endpoints to download and use directly.

CounterPath Teams and Solo service elements configure Teams and Solo clients on behalf of end-users. The clients require usernames and passwords to be able to authenticate with SIP provider servers. The password must be accessible in a way that allows an unencrypted version to be used to answer the challenges of the SIP service. Unfortunately, this requirement removes any potential for CounterPath to use a 1-way encryption or hashing function to store the SIP credentials.

CounterPath stores sensitive information like SIP passwords using 2-way encryption. This information is always protected with SSL/TLS encryption when transported between the service elements and Bria Teams/Solo clients. Password content is never logged or stored in a readable format for CounterPath staff.